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Tactilis Flip-Clip and Cover
Saturday December 23, 2000 - 1:32 PM EST - By Mark Pierson


The biggest advantage to the Flip-Clip is its ability to be used with oversized Springboard modules... most Visor cases can't make that claim. I like the ingenuity behind the Flip-Clip and think the design is good, especially for a first generation product. While I'm not thrilled with the current reproduction cover (I'll be honest, I don't like it because of the poor fit), I'm looking forward to the release of the Flip-Lid. A cover specifically designed for the contour of the Visor along with the Flip-Clip will be a slick accessory option for any Visor.

To find out more about the Flip-Clip, or to order one for yourself, visit the Tactilis website. Also, browse through the Flip-Clip FAQ for answers to many questions.

*** A note about the ratings below: The Flip-Clip by itself is worthy of a solid 5 rating. I have reduced Usability and Overall to 4 because of the cover's poor fit. Upon release of the Flip-Lid, I will re-assess and update the scores as appropriate.



Design 4
Installation 5
Usability 4
Cost/Benefit 5
(not an average)
-Inexpensive and convenient flip cover attachment.
-Provides adequate screen protection.
- Covers available in multiple colors.
- Occasionally closes during use.
- Reproduction cover is not a good fit.
- Limits ability to use with a snug-fit carrying case.

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Tactilis Flip-Clip and Cover

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Product Details
Name: Tactilis Flip-Clip and Cover
Company: Tactilis

Price: $6.00 (Flip-Clip), $4.00 (Palm III-style lids)

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