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Hagiwara 16MB Flash Module
Tuesday February 27, 2001 - 11:21 AM EST - By Scott Hanselman


The Hagiwara 16 Meg Flash Module works like a charm. You can buy it from PalmGear for US$139.00. The Hagiwara 8 Meg Module is $75, so you get twice the memory for 2x-$10. It may be a bit steep for the casual user, but for the power- or corporate-user it's a sure winner. Considering that the Handspring 8 Meg Module is $80, then $139 for 16 Megs is a good deal. You can keep pretty much anything on it - readonly databases, games, images and large applications. You can use JackBack (look for a review soon) from Brayder Technologies to back up your entire Visor to the Hagiwara Module, and STILL have 8 Megs free! I could see myself using this as my "leave it in all the time" Module. If you are cramped for memory definitely check out the Hagiwara 16 Meg Flash, it's a winner. Let's hope for a 32 Meg Module soon! More memory!!! 



Design 4
Usefulness 5
Usability 5
Cost/Benefit 3
(not an average)
- Brings total Deluxe/Prism memory to 24megs!
- Integrates seamlessly with OS
- Intuitive FileMover app
- Allows for huge apps and databases
- Run many Apps directly from Flash
- Easier to use than a CF Solution
- More expensive than a CF solution
- Some Applications don't run in Flash

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Hagiwara 16MB Flash Module

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Product Details
Name: Hagiwara 16MB Flash Module
Company: Hagiwara Sys-Com

Price: $139.00

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