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 visorcentral >> frequently asked questions >> What about this new TRGpro PDA? Doesn't it have an extra expansion port, too?
What about this new TRGpro PDA? Doesn't it have an extra expansion port, too?

Yes it does, and that port uses the CompactFlash (CF) standard.

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Yes it does, and that port uses the CompactFlash (CF) standard, popularized by WinCE PDAs and digital cameras, etc. The benefit of this route is that theoretically one can use the same accessories, many already available, for multiple units like a PDA or laptop, etc., assuming proper drivers are available. The downside is that this slot is not plug and play, and most of the proposed accessories are still unavailable. Interestingly, somebody in Japan has already built a functioning Springboard CompactFlash module for the Visor, but it not commercially available... yet.

Article ID: #1005

Last Reviewed:
Saturday November 25, 2000

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