Opinions: Visor Deluxe
A fan | The best there is! | 
| One word: Springboard Modules. They Rock! |
Alex Putnam | Better than a Palm anyday | 
| The Visor has great tech support, expandability and connectibility. And It's cheaper than most Palms.
And the cool thing:
Back-Up Module- Back up and restore (painlessly) your data when away from a cradle!
Have to do a hard reset on a Palm?
Yah,,, One-touch restore.
Billy the Bratt | Poor customer service..stick with Palm | 
| I bought a Visor on the web site, i waited over two months to get it, and when i opened the box, it was cracked, when they sent me a new one, it cracked after three days, so i returned it, lost 25% for restocking, and bought a Compaq Pocket PC, it is way cooler than any Palm OS device.
Jim Platt | Only if they did a few things to put them over the top... | 
| first of all, get that dragonball running at about 40 mhz.
Get the case down to about the size of a a palm V, and get the memory up to 16mb, and offer it at less than $300. |
JohhnyPDA | Comes up short VS Palm | 
| I have tried out a co-workers Visor vs my Palm 3xe, they are priced the same, however the Visor case does creak and feels cheeper than the palm, also the screen seems blurry, compared to the sharp screen of the new palms.
Battery life also goes to the Palm, mine goes months on the same batterys, my co-worker seems to constantly run around screaming "I need gona loose everything!!!"
sorry...thunmbs down for visor. |
Anonymous | Never used a PDA before | 
| I have always prefered paper! I carry a laptop but it is very inconvenient to find an address while traveling. I have a WAP enabled phone also, but now that I've used a Visor DLX I will not part with it. It certainly does everything it advertises! |
Trapper | great palm organizer | 
| I love my visor. The only problem is battery life! Ouch!
I want springboard modules too. |
James Whitney | Awesomely outrageous | 
| The best PDA ive ever used. windoze CE stuff is just toys for rich people. Had mine 4 months, and its my baby. |
Chris | Great PDA | 
| I have had my Visor Deluxe for 2 months and love it.
I have had no proglems with it. I did have to go out and buy the serial cradle because I am running Win 95 and don't have a USB Port.
The only problem I have had is that I put Solitare on it and had quite a bit of difficulty getting away from my wife. The only way to fix this problem was to buy her a $15 handheld solitare game.
I use it all the time and it is one of the most usefull things I have bought in a long time.
Name: Visor Deluxe
Company: Handspring
Cpu: 68328 Dragonball EZ @ 16MHz
Memory: 8MB RAM
Screen: 160 x 160 x 16 greyscale
Dimensions: 4.8" x 3.0" x 0.7"
Weight: 5.4 oz
Update: Auction Update / VisorAdventure 2 Thu Oct 11 - 12:05 AM EST
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