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User Opinions: Beat Plus

freegoo$80 way out of line

Thumbs Down

$80 buys a Gameboy, better value for games, what I want is to actually be able to hear my alarms. For $80 it would actually have to work as an alarm, have silent alarms too (vibration and led), and some sort of killer app. Much too little here to keep me from moving to either the palm 505 or Handera 330.

RoofusPennymoreThis should just be built into the Visor.

Thumbs Down

I wouldn't give up a CF card for this.

GlucoPilotOnly $80? Why not $19.95

Thumbs Down

I can't imagine why anyone would pay $80 for speakers. When it's $19.95, maybe.

psolisIncredible sound given size & price

Thumbs Up

Considering that this module is only $80 and is so tiny, the sound is excellent. It makes gaming very fun. I am optimistic that you will be able to port alarms and such in the near future.

User Opinions

Thumbs Up  25% Thumbs Down 75%

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Product Details
Name: Beat Plus
Company: Hagiwara Sys-Com
Weight: 0.6 oz.
Memory: 32 K on Visor when inserted
Color: N/A
Hard Cover Compatible: Yes
Price: $79.95 (includes Zap! 2000/2016)

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