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User Opinions: SoundsGood

GeoSounds great, works as advertised

Thumbs Up

I can understand the Mac compatibility complaints but I would write SoundsGood about that. It sounds like they will be adding things down the line, and I'm sure they'd look into Mac support if they heard enough constructive pleas for it - rather than, "you don't support Mac, therefore, you suck!" :) The hardware buttons are what allow you to use it separately with the energy clip. They also let you operate the unit while it's in your pocket or if you use a belt clip for your Visor. Plus, it means you don't have to keep your Visor display on while the unit's running. I hope they'll upgrade the actual player software (on the Visor) at some point so that you can sort the songs into the order you want them played. Maybe there's a way to do that but I haven't figured it out. :) Although most reviews I read say the included earphones are horrible, I found them acceptable and if you can find some spare ear bud cushions they won't fall out so easily. But, I confess, I invested in some good AIWA ear buds anyway. :)

vflopezSoundsGood is Great

Thumbs Up

I bought a Minijam because I love the idea of expandibility, but the slow transfer rate and horrible battery usage killed me. So I returned it an bought a SoundsGood and I am unbelievably happy with it. The transfer time is incredibly fast and battery usage is extremely low. I do recommend putting foam covers on the earbuds, however.

LacherCLPSoundsGood Sounds Great

Thumbs Up

I've had my SoundsGood for about a month now - and it is my springboard of choice! I love it! The sound quality ROCKS, the battery life is long, and the form factor can't be beat. People who say the MiniJam gives you a picture viewer and an e-book reader are missing a couple of points. The e-book reading software is FREE from when you buy an e-book from them. As for the picture viewer - well, sure that's nice and all - but the MiniJam is HUGE - and crashy - and SLOW TO LOAD. For $10 more I get a 'board that doesn't change the profile of my Visor. With just minor surgery to the case, I'm able to use it with my Rhodiana work-through case. Is it the BEST mp3 player out there? Certainly not! If you need loads of storage, other features, by all means go buy an eGo or other standalone player. But for a Visor add-on it's perfect. Sure, the SoundsGood is on the pricey side, but all new technologies are when they first come out. Give it a year or so, and it'll cost that $99 I'm sure.

Gadget FanIt's a great toy !!!

Thumbs Up

1. slim factor is great. I don't need to carry a separate cd/mp3 player. 2. works with any standard cassette car adapter. No need to wait for the one from Soundsgood. 3. d/l speed is fast. I can change 18 songs every day or so. 4.I now hope that Handspring can license this technology and incorporate it into its VisorPhone....

AnonymousSounds great...

Thumbs Up

With the EnergyClip, it becomes the best of BOTH worlds -- a standalone MP3 player and an integrated Visor player. As for the Mac, sorry guys, but hey, you're only 10% of the Visor market...

KoineBoyCommuter's Dream

Thumbs Up

Fast transfer means last minute goodness. I can move MP-3's over to it while I pour a cup of coffee. The Mini-JAm's long transfer time means I would have to do it the night before. One thing these negatives are failing to address if Mini Jam's failure to use non-MP3 formats. What are you guys gonna do when this format is no longer the soup du jour? 64 megs is all you need, formats will just get smaller. Can't even begin to tell you how great the size is. You guys that have never used it and are "thumbs downing" it need to grow up. The only people with a beef are the Mac users (I feel your pain) and those who have had bad experiences with the Sounds Good.

bellerNO, NO, NO!!

Thumbs Down

MiniJam has a much better sound and comes from a company with a great future.

TsetseWhy do I need hardware buttons?

Thumbs Down

The full point of the Springboard slot is to integrate the Visor with external devices. Nobody has explained yet how it is better to have an MP3 player in the back of a Visor to have both an MP3 player and a Visor.

WAKE UP!!!!Musicians on Macintosh

Thumbs Down

It's true, musicians use macs. WAKE UP you do-do heads!! music...musician... do you see the connection here????

trewMake it Mac friendly

Thumbs Down

I think the message is clear. Why do you think us Mac users are so upset? Because we want one, and would've gladly paid the price, (The Mac Elite are THAT noble willing to sacrifice for their beloved machines), nevermind that most of us music-types are all on Mac, too. Make it Mac friendly

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User Opinions

Thumbs Up  65% Thumbs Down 35%

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Product Details
Name: SoundsGood
Company: Good Technology
Size: 2.13" x 2.22" x .35"
Weight: 0.8 oz.
Memory: 16K on Visor when inserted
Hard Cover Compatible: Yes
Price: $269.00

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