older news
Visor a Finalist in PC Mag. - Nov 9 1999 |
The Handspring Visor is a finalist in the 1999 PC Magazine Technical Excellence Awards. The Visor is one of thirty-four breakthrough products that ha... |
Manage Palm OS devices over SMS - Nov 9 1999 |
Mobile Automation has announced a new version of Mobile Automation 2000 - SMS Integration Pack. This will be the first product that integrates Palm an... |
Handspring UK "in the New Year" - Nov 8 1999 |
Donna Dubinsky in an article with IT Week said that "[Handspring] will set up a UK Web site in the New Year." The URL Handspring.co.uk is registered,... |
The Future of Wireless - Nov 8 1999 |
The Wireless IT 99 conference was held recently, and Jeff Hawkins had this to say about the future of wireless technology:"Over the next few years we'... |
Yahoo! Messenger for Palm OS - Nov 8 1999 |
Yahoo! today announced its Yahoo! Messenger for the Palm operating system. Users of Messenger will have the following features: online notification, ... |
Comments on PC Week Article - Nov 8 1999 |
PC Week has an article that sums up the history of Handspring's shipping and e-commerce problems. One point the article is incorrect about is the foll... |
Bluetooth to be demonstrated at COMDEX - Sep 15 1999 |
Bluetooth, a wireless PAN (Personal Area Network) standard, will be demonstrated at Fall COMDEX, beginning November 15.Bluetooth enabled devices such ... |
Palm Pilot-One of the "Top Ten" - Sep 15 1999 |
The Palm Pilot has made PC World's "10 Greatest PCs of All Time" - "Small is beautiful" they argue. The other computers that made the list were Altair... |
Hawkins Comments at Wireless I.T. '99 - Nov 4 1999 |
Customers are not the only ones waiting for their Visors. Jeff Hawkins' daughters, who currently own Palm IIIs, are waiting as well. Hawkins "ordere... |
VisorCentral in NYTimes - Nov 4 1999 |
VisorCentral was mentioned in the New York Times in an article about the problems that Handspring has been having. The article discusses one user's p... |
Play Golf and Upload Your Scores - Nov 2 1999 |
www.golfserv.com GolfServ Online, Inc., has announced Portable GameTrack, a free program that allows Palm OS-compatible users to score their rounds on... |
Palm OS 3.5 Details - Nov 2 1999 |
Palm Computing has announced what changes are going to be in the next version of the Palm operating system. Palm OS 3.5 will currently incorporate th... |
Washington Post: Handspring Hamstrung - Sep 15 1999 |
Washington Post reports that Handspring "has delivered a lot of hype since the debut of its Visor handheld organizer, but it's had a hard time delive... |
Palm Employee on EgyptAir 990 - Nov 1 1999 |
According to the San Jose Mercury News, one of the pasengers on the tragic EgyptAir flight 990 was Kurt Schwenk, who was manager of business developme... |
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