Opinions: SmartCover
Chris | It works fine - it is worth $29.95 | 
| The product works quite well. People who complain about this (1) have expensive Visors and (2) have many mudules and (3) are upset because something practicale is "expensive". I paid full price for this case, it's been great. Many other people have said the same. They like it a lot. The company has given me what I have been looking for. And what many other people have been looking for. Since you love to rant about the SpringBoard slot, why covers work with the Modem module, Phone, or camera - or other oversized modules? get real. |
SideShowMel | different strokes | 
| The choice of a case for a 'spring user is a very personal one. One has specific expectations of a case and specific requirements. I can see how a person would like a case like this, though it would be the case I'd choose. I'm almost tempted by this case because it looks like could power up the Visor to see the time without opening the case. Who out there wants a case that you can do this with? |
Judd | Dumb cover a better name? | 
| A release date of April 1 would be more appropriate for this product. |
bkbk | Not a snowball's chance in hell. | 
| $29.95? You must be kidding me. Why not $59.92 -- just as absurd. |
Michael Kaufman | Who are InnoPocket kidding? | 
| $29.95 for something so useless? Some companies do not have a clue. |
Anonymous | Just what I've been waiting for | 
| 1. Thin Form Factor
2. While its similar to the "free plastic cover" that one requires an extra step to reattach to the back or stick it in your pocket - this one folds all the way back which is key.
3. The main reason why I use a cover at all is to keep it in my pocket and prevent scratches - all the leather cases are too thick, and so this is perfect.
--My ideal case would be the hard plastic "belt clip" which adds protection if the visor is dropped - but you can't flip it around and slide the visor back in - leaving you with the old "two things to hold" problem |
Steve C. | Materials, complexity, & workmanship = $5 value | 
| Poorly conceived & executed. Why did they bother? |
Anonymous | Unbelievable | 
| Costs 4 times what it should - and not functional either! A total wast of $29.5 |
RoofusPennymore | Have to take it off | 
| It takes too much to use the springboard slot or stylus. What about Prism compatablity? |
Coyote67 | What a waste a money and plastic. | 
| The summary says it all. |
Name: SmartCover
Company: InnoPocket
Ir in Case: Yes
HotSync in Case: No
Case Type: Plastic
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