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Hagiwara 16MB Flash Module
Tuesday February 27, 2001 - 11:21 AM EST - By Scott Hanselman


The Hagiwara 16Meg Flash Module provides a whole pile of removable storage for your handheld. It includes 16 MEGS (Did I mention this? ) of flash storage as well as a data management software utility called File Mover. File Mover allows you to copy individual applications and databases to and from the Module. Unfortunately, flash memory modules don't support writing small amounts of data in an elegant manner. 

So, modifications to database records are prohibited when the databases reside in flash storage such as the 8MB Flash Module. Basically think of the Module as being a chunk of read-only memory. Most read-only style applications like dictionaries, games, work fine in Flash, but you just won't know until you try. You can also put big apps like DateBk4 and WordSmith in Flash, but leave the data in main memory to be modified. 

The Hagiwara 16MB Flash Module truly includes 16MB of flash memory, but a small portion of this memory is reserved for system use. This area holds the File Mover application as well as associated system support software and data. When you insert the module for the very first time, it formats the Flash memory. You are automatically presented with the FileMover Application. Applications that are in Flash show up in the Application Launcher with a dot in front of their names.

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Hagiwara 16MB Flash Module

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Product Details
Name: Hagiwara 16MB Flash Module
Company: Hagiwara Sys-Com

Price: $139.00

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